Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. – Luke 1:36
God confirms the words He speaks to us through others. He understands our doubts regarding the leadings we have. Because of that, the Lord will most often tell other people the same things He is telling us.
An example of that is seen in the story of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus. Both women received astounding revelations about the children they were going to give birth to. But the Lord went ahead to make each of them aware of what was happening to the other woman. That is what is called ‘confirmation of the spirit’s leading.
Confirmation for what God is leading us into can come in many ways. Sometimes it comes through our devotional reading of the Bible; other times through a sermon that is preached or a book read. The Lord can even show someone else a vision or give him or her a word that agrees with what you have already received. The important thing to note is that usually the first leading will come to you before the confirmation comes from outside you. God does not want you to hear Him first through others. If you are His child, then He wants to speak to you first about what He wants you to do before He speaks to other people about you.
If you are struggling with a leading in your life and are not sure whether what you’re sensing is right or wrong, ask the Lord to confirm His Word to you. Ask Him to make His way clear for you so that you will not miss His leading. After you have prayed, just relax and trust Him to bring you a confirmation one way or another.
Prayer: Lord, make Your Word to me sure and give me a clear confirmation of Your leading.
Scriptural Reading: Luke 1:26-38
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