Monday, January 22, 2018

Don"t Frustrate God

Don’t Frustrate God


The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

Although God does not give up on us, we can frustrate His plans for us. He has a purpose for our lives and desires that we fulfill that purpose. However, we also have a will and power of choice. We can choose to yield our will to the Lord or we can choose to go our own ways. If we choose to go our own ways, He will continue pursuing us, but He will not overrule our will. God respects and values us so much and wants us to choose to serve Him willingly.

His patience for us is not a license for us to continue in disobedience. He can still bless us, despite our sins, but that should not be seen as an endorsement of our waywardness. The reason He puts up with our sins and continues to pursue us with love is that He wants us to repent; He wants us to change; He wants us to see how much He loves us to convince us that when we do His will, life will be better for us.

When we yield to the Lord, we save time and make the most of what He has for us. When we walk in disobedience, we waste time and prolong the process for our own breakthrough. Sometimes we frustrate the Lord for so long that by the time we finally yield to Him, we are too old or that many great opportunities in life would have been lost.

Don’t keep God waiting on you for too long. Don’t frustrate His good intentions for your life.

Prayer: Set my life in order, O Lord, and direct my paths.

Scriptural Reading: 2 Peter 3:1-9

Don"t Frustrate God

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