Saturday, January 5, 2019

Go From Strength To Strength


They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion. Psalm 84:7

Those who get prepared and set their hearts on pilgrimage, enjoy God’s rain. That means, God refreshes them. In addition to that, they go from strength to strength. The key to renewed strength is waiting upon the Lord. Waiting on God is not a waste of time. Our strength always comes from the Lord. Waiting on Him is like charging your phone before using it. The longer you charge your phone and continue to keep it charged, the more usage you have of it. Similarly, when we wait on the Lord, we go from strength to strength.

   The passage says those who go from strength to strength will appear before the Lord. This Psalm was for those who were on pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the annual feasts. For the pilgrim on the journey to a feast to Jerusalem, their goal was to eventually appear before the Lord. We are also on pilgrimage. For us, the goal of our pilgrimage is getting to the place God has appointed for us. The place could be a spiritual place or a family place or a career. As we journey in God’s strength, He enables us to get to arrive at the goals He has given us. By the end of this year, each one of us should be able to say we are where God wants us to be – in all areas of our lives. He will give us the strength to get to our appointed place.

   May you grow from strength to strength. May your energy at the beginning of the year be stronger each day. Today, receive strength for your journey. Receive strength to overcome every challenge. Receive strength to push through every resistance. Receive strength in your spirit. Strength in your mind. Strength in your body. Strength to win.

Prayer: Lord, give me the inner strength to persevere till I break through.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 84:5-7

5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, They make it a spring; The rain also covers it with pools.

7 They go from strength to strength;

Each one appears before God in Zion.


Go From Strength To Strength

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