Where Are You
Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9
The first question that God poses in Scripture is found here: “Where are you?” Because God knows all things, we have to understand that He did not ask this question in order to gather information for Himself. Rather, He asked the question for Adam and Eve to find out where they were in relation to Him.
I think it is still a relevant question that He still asks all of us, ‘where are you?’ This is a question that calls us to shed off our hypocrisy and truly examine our hearts to identify whether we are where we want to be in our relationship with God. To answer that question well, we have to find out where God expects us to be in three important areas of our lives.
• Our passions. Where is our heart? What are the things that we feel strongly and passionately about? Some of us started our walk with Christ with passion and great love. Now, our love for the Lord has become cold and our hearts unresponsive to the things of God.
• Our pursuits. Where is our focus? Does God’s kingdom and righteousness feature anywhere in the things we run after? It is alright to work hard in order to earn an income for our families and to discharge our responsibilities. However, sometimes in pursuing our legitimate needs we become so absorbed and neglect God, our spouses and children.
• Our plans. What is on our agenda? Do we deliberately make time for God and our families?
Today, God is asking – ‘where are you?’
Prayer: Lord, help me to keep my heart right with You at all times.
Scriptural Reading: Genesis 3:9-19
Where Are You
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