The Storm
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away. Matthew 14:22
Although He knew that a storm was coming, Jesus said to His disciples, “Go to the other side.” Jesus sent them out on the Sea of Galilee because He knew there was a lesson for them to learn. He knew they would make it safely to the other side, so He allowed His disciples to go through the storm. You can say the storm was a part of the day’s curriculum for the disciples.
Life is like that too. We don’t always know when a storm is coming. We don’t know when a tragedy will strike. We don’t know when a crisis is going to hit. We don’t know when a hardship may come up in our lives. But God does, and He allows the storm to come because there is a lesson in the storm He wants us to learn. There is a faith lesson in the storms of life. He wanted His disciples to learn how to trust Him even in the midst of a storm. He had said to them, “Go to the other side,” and they needed to learn that when He speaks, no storm is strong enough to hinder His word.
Now here is the question: How do you respond to life’s storms? Hard times happen to everyone, but as Christians, we need to know that the storms cannot destroy us, it can only strengthen us. Whatever we are going through, because of His love for us, God will turn it around for our good.
Courageous people are a lot like tea bags. We don’t know their strength until they are in hot water. It takes faith and courage to face your trials. It takes faith and courage to say, “I’ve made a commitment to follow Jesus. I’m not going to give up. Even though the storm of life may come, I’m going over to the other side.”
Prayer: Ask the Lord for the strength to stand firm in whatever challenge you may be going through till victory arrives.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 14:22-33
The Storm
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