Deciding Right From Wrong
O, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle. Psalm 43:3
Today, we will consider some additional steps we can take to discern God’s will for our lives. As you seek to know God’s will in your heart, these questions can help clarify your decisions. They represent moral issues and Godly wisdom that are needed to make good decisions.
• Is it consistent with the Word of God? The Bible is the rule for all our conduct. It gives us the moral foundation for our actions and opens up great treasures of wisdom to help us choose the right responses.
• Can you do it and be a positive Christian witness? Our lives and testimonies as children of God are the mirrors that people look through to see the Lord. Any action that undermines our Christian witness must be reconsidered.
• Will the Lord be glorified? Can you do this and give glory to God? In doing it, will you be glorifying God in your body? Are you seeking the glory of man or the glory of God? Are you doing this to be noticed by man or please the Lord?
• Are you acting responsibly? When we are faithful in little things, the Lord will put us in charge of greater things. Don’t get ahead of God’s timing for your life by accepting responsibilities that you have no knowledge or experience in. Seek to develop your life and talents and God will open doors for you.
• Have you prayerfully considered it? Prayerful consideration is when we ponder quietly in our hearts concerning a decision we’re about to make. It includes looking at the issue from a godly perspective, as well as the likely consequences.
Prayer: Lord, help me to avoid any decision that will take me outside of Your will.
Scriptural Reading: Psalm 43:1-5
Deciding Right From Wrong
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