Authority In The Believer
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19
Authority is the right to rule based on position. You have the authority to do the will of God because of your position in Christ. It’s an authority you could never have independent of God, so you need to remain dependent on Him to live victoriously.
In Christ, you have all the resources and protection you need to live a victorious life of righteousness every day. If you’re not living it, it’s your choice. When you leave a door open for the devil by not resisting temptation and deception, you make yourself weak and vulnerable to evil. And if you continue to allow him access to your life, he can gain a measure of control over you. But he cannot control you against your will.
Many Christians today who cannot control their lives in some area wallow in self-blame instead of acting responsibly to solve the problem. They get frustrated with themselves and their lack of willpower to break a bad habit. Instead of getting frustrated, all they need to do is boldly resist the devil and command him to leave their lives.
In the face of every kind of attack that the enemy can marshal against you, there is victory for you through the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit. In Christ you have been raised from the dead and are now seated at the right hand of the Father with your enemies under your feet. Act as a person of authority because you really have the power. God wants to do great things with your life this year so allow Him room to operate.
Prayer: Thanks be to God who causes me to walk in victory this day and puts the enemy under my feet.
Scriptural Reading: Luke 10:17-20
Authority In The Believer
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