Spiritual Ambition
Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. – Mark 10:44
Do you want to make a difference in the kingdom of God? Do you desire to be used in a mighty way to the glory of Jesus Christ? Do you have high ambitions for yourself in Christ’s body?
Then don’t settle for holding a significant position or for being especially prominent. Raise your sights even higher — make it your goal to be the chief person in the kingdom of God . . . and start serving everyone around you.
Jesus told his ambitious, contentious disciples on several occasions the only way to be great in His kingdom. The person that wishes to be great must take on the lowest, self-emptying, others-oriented, servant-spirited position in the church. He or she must become the servant of all.
Is there anyone in the church that you would disdain to serve? Do you still see yourself above certain individuals because of their background, or social status, or financial situation, or educational level, or personal hygiene? Then you are not yet chief in the kingdom of God. You have not yet risen high enough in the service of the Lord. Because you are not yet the servant of all.
Look today for opportunities for promotion in the church of Jesus Christ. Search out the lowliest and become lower still by serving them. There is no person too small, or smelly, or ugly, or sick, or handicapped for you to serve in Christ’s kingdom, if you are spiritually ambitious enough.
Prayer: Lord, give me a heart of a servant.
Scriptural Reading: Mark 10:41– 45
Spiritual Ambition
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