Leave A Legacy
Dorcas . . . was full of good works and almsdeeds. . . and all the widows stood by [Peter] weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. Acts 9:36,39
Very soon Dorcas would be raised from the dead by the apostle Peter. Doubtless this is at least partially why Luke includes this story in his inspired narrative.
However, at least half the story here also seems to be Dorcas’ life, as much as her resurrection to life. Dorcas, as much as the apostle himself, is the focus of Luke’s narrative. Why?
Not because of the many good works which she had planned to do, but that she had done and, in fact, “was full of.” How many of us have noble desires, charitable plans which never find their way into actions which help or encourage others?
It is easy to have good intentions, but it is another thing to serve and sacrifice for other people. Dorcas did not know the time of her death, but she did know the purpose for life — to honor God by seeking the lowest place in His kingdom.
What a testimony to this woman’s faith! She is fervently missed and publicly mourned by the very widows to whom she had labored with such faithfulness! She was not surrounded by the rich or mighty or well-connected, but by the lowly and helpless and castaways of society. Yet Dorcas had a full life — full of the good works that she had done in the name of her Lord.
What and who will you leave behind you? A lifetime of good works or just a stream of good intentions?
Prayer: Lord, help me live a life of service and leave a legacy to future generations.
Scriptural Reading: Acts 9:36-43
Leave A Legacy
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