Saturday, June 30, 2018

The God Of Forgiveness

The God Of Forgiveness


There is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Psalm 130:4

This is a striking statement from beginning to end. First, there is forgiveness with the holy, perfect God who does not pardon sins? How could this be? On the other hand, even this forgiveness of God should lead us to a reverential fear of God. Why would this be?

The psalmist observes in the preceding verse (130:3) that if God were to keep account of our sins, no one could stand such a scrutiny. We are all sinners to the core and we have each sinned enough to justify a hell-sentence.

But, because Jesus Christ took our sins on Himself and paid the penalty for them, God has not dealt with us according to our iniquity (Psalm 103:10). Thus the holy God maintains His perfect and just standard, but is also merciful.

But what a fearsome forgiveness! To be snatched from the brink of never-ending torment, to be saved from our well-deserved damnation, makes us irrevocably and eternally indebted to our Savior. This forgiveness is fearful because it means we did nothing to deserve it, and we can do nothing to pay it back.

And God now demands the same kind of unconditional forgiveness from us, toward others. If God has so freely and kindly forgiveness us, do we not fear to hold a grudge or transgression against a brother or sister?

Prayer: Lord, give me grace to always forgive as you have forgiven me.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 130:1-8

The God Of Forgiveness

Give Thanks In All Things

Give Thanks In All Things


All things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15

Every person, every situation, everything is allowed through the wise and omnipotent hand of God for your sakes. He is, like the potter, shaping this world for His own purposes, and He purposes your good, if you are one of His.

As Paul wrote in his first letter to Corinth, “the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:22). God has subdued even your greatest enemies, so they now work for your good.

But the good of those who love God is not God’s only motivation. His primary motivation, because He is God, is always and rightly His own glory. And so, we are reminded, God has purposed our good for His glory.

It is the great purpose of God that His abundant and conquering grace should redound to His own glory. It is only right that it would be so, like an author or a painter or a sculptor being credited for his masterpieces. But how does abundant grace resonate to His glory? Through the thanksgiving of many.

God will be glorified by us, no matter what — either in forgiving us or in condemning us. But our goal should be that He is glorified in us. When we grab from the gracious hand of God and run away thoughtlessly to enjoy His benefits, His abundant grace does not receive the glory it deserves.

So, dear pardoned sinner and beneficiary of divine goodness: make yourself today a soundboard for the glory of God. May each blessing sent your way reverberate to the glory of His name, through your conscious and joyful thanksgiving.

Prayer: Lord, be glorified in my life.

Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Give Thanks In All Things

Friday, June 29, 2018

Enquire Of The Lord

Enquire Of The Lord


David enquired of the Lord yet again. 1 Samuel 23:4

Nine times in the Scripture we find this statement – “David enquired” of the Lord, or of God. Every one of these instances was after David had become a great leader. And yet David shows us that great leadership results from being a great follower of God. Even in the most practical or mundane of matters.

Many times, when we are faced with challenging situations, our first inclination, especially if there are others waiting upon or relying on our answer, is to make a hasty decision based on the best understanding we have at the moment. But we should develop the habit, like David, of asking the Lord for direction first.

Perhaps you have already sought the Lord’s guidance, though, in a particular situation – a relationship, or a promotion, or a relocation, or another life-changing decision. Or maybe you received clear direction for your last decision, but a fresh challenge has presented itself.

Then inquire of the Lord yet again. There is no such thing as being too dependent upon God. He never wearies of our questions, and we never out-grow our inadequacy without Him.

The great encouragement is that when David went to the Lord yet again, then “the Lord answered him” (23:4). He always answers those who inquire of Him, and so He will answer you when you call upon Him and inquire of Him. He is faithful.

Prayer: Thank You Lord, that I can always come to You for advice.

Scriptural Reading: 1 Samuel 23:1-6

Enquire Of The Lord

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A Legacy Worth Leaving

A Legacy Worth Leaving


These words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children. – Deuteronomy 6:6-7

It is not enough to pass on God’s Word to our children. We must first receive and embrace it in our own hearts, as parents. There is no way to share a love for God and his Word with your children that you do not daily and vitally experience yourself.

Many parents feel an obligation to their children to raise them up in a good environment. So they cart them off to Sunday school or send them to a Christian school, assuming that they have fulfilled their obligation. However, if they are not themselves actively engaged in the Christian faith, they cannot expect their children to fall in love with it just because they have been exposed to it externally.

The Word must first be in your heart. But even more than that — you must teach God’s Word to your children diligently. Another mistake that parents sometimes make is the assumption that if they have ever explained a biblical principle or told their children a Bible story, then they understand the Christian faith. But it takes much more dedication and careful application than that.

We must make a daily, overriding, unrelenting determination as parents to teach our children the Christian faith. Not only by making it the subject of conversations, but by displaying Christ as the great goal and treasure of our family.

The overflowing, personal pleasure that we experience in God’s Word must continually and carefully be emanating from our heart, and be diligently communicated to the hearts of our children.

Prayer: Lord, help me leave a legacy of faith to my children.

Scriptural Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

A Legacy Worth Leaving

Spiritual Ambition

Spiritual Ambition


Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. – Mark 10:44

Do you want to make a difference in the kingdom of God? Do you desire to be used in a mighty way to the glory of Jesus Christ? Do you have high ambitions for yourself in Christ’s body?

Then don’t settle for holding a significant position or for being especially prominent. Raise your sights even higher — make it your goal to be the chief person in the kingdom of God . . . and start serving everyone around you.

Jesus told his ambitious, contentious disciples on several occasions the only way to be great in His kingdom. The person that wishes to be great must take on the lowest, self-emptying, others-oriented, servant-spirited position in the church. He or she must become the servant of all.

Is there anyone in the church that you would disdain to serve? Do you still see yourself above certain individuals because of their background, or social status, or financial situation, or educational level, or personal hygiene? Then you are not yet chief in the kingdom of God. You have not yet risen high enough in the service of the Lord. Because you are not yet the servant of all.

Look today for opportunities for promotion in the church of Jesus Christ. Search out the lowliest and become lower still by serving them. There is no person too small, or smelly, or ugly, or sick, or handicapped for you to serve in Christ’s kingdom, if you are spiritually ambitious enough.

Prayer: Lord, give me a heart of a servant.

Scriptural Reading: Mark 10:41– 45

Spiritual Ambition

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Spirit Of God

The Spirit Of God


“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)

Personal – 5 am to 8 am

1. Bless the Lord and worship Him for the gift of the Holy Spirit; extol Him for His love and mercy that is constantly at work in your life.

2. Ask the Lord to take absolute control of your life; ask Him to help you yield to the Holy Spirit all the days of your life.

3. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into fellowship with Him today; pray that your communion with Him during these 40 Days of Power will be unhindered.

Family and Church – 8 am to 11 am

4. Pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit for your family; boldly declare that every member of your family will know His will and follow His leading daily.

5. Pray for a manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in your family; ask God for the manifestation of His nature in your life as an example of the influence of His Spirit

6. Declare that the church is entering into a season of divine experiences; ask for a release of divine power for the body of Christ to show forth His glory.

Productivity, Career and Business – 11 am to 2 pm

7. Pray for an outpouring of divine ideas and concepts for businesses in Ghana; declare that God will endow His people with supernatural gifts to bring solutions to Ghana’s challenges.

8. Ask God to stir up every dormant gift in you; pray for the release of the spirit of excellence into your heart for maximum productivity in all your endeavors.

9. Declare that in these 40 Days of Power, your business or career will experience an uplifting by God’s power, receive the grace to walk in signs and wonders today.

Nation, Continent and Global – 2 pm to 5 pm

10. Prophesy a season of supernatural empowerment for every young person in Ghana; declare that young people will be empowered to excel in their fields of endeavor.

11. Pray for a mighty move of the Spirit of God to take over the nation of Ghana and the entire continent of Africa; ask the Lord to bring massive developments to this continent

12. Thank the Lord for bringing a rain of change on Africa; pray for a ripple effect unto every continent on the globe.

Declaration – 8 pm

I will worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. I will declare His marvelous works to the nations. Today, I avail myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I decree a season of God’s power at work in my life, family, church and nation in Jesus’ name Amen!

The Spirit Of God

Monday, June 25, 2018

Trust In God

Trust In God


The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psalm 9:9-10

What a promise! The Lord will be a refuge, a shelter, a hiding place in times of trouble.

Trouble is a part of life. We live in a fallen world and are part of the fallen race. It is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the troubles that encompass the globe. It often is overwhelming and even those who profess to believe in God sometimes forget that He is the source of help in the time of trouble.

When struggling with trials, sickness, and losses it must be remembered that God is sovereign and He is working in our life even when we cannot understand the unfolding of His providences. When trouble comes to a marriage, or parents are struggling with a rebellious child, it must be remembered that God’s Word is our source of counsel and that God does not forsake them that seek Him.

Satan may suggest your trouble is too great, that there is no hope; but God is the God of hope and it is to Him that you must turn. The psalmist says “they that know thy name will put their trust in thee.” True knowledge of God brings trust.

To understand God is all powerful brings you to believe nothing is too hard for Him. To understand He is merciful gives you hope to call on Him in your time of need. To understand He is faithful assures you He will keep His promises. Are you going through any trial? Call on the Lord and He will answer you.

Prayer: Thank You for Your faithfulness, O Lord.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 9:7-14

Trust In God

The Wisdom Of God

The Wisdom Of God


Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. Proverbs 2:9

With all the new philosophy, technology, and insight that we have in our day, is this promise still relevant? You may be asking yourself, “Do I need to understand these things?”

The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” You need to understand righteousness; you need to understand judgment and equity (justice). You see, these truths are not like Plato’s philosophy, or Shakespeare’s observations, or Isaac Newton’s theories. These truths are more like law of gravity; it never becomes irrelevant and always needs to be understood.

If you do not understand what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, how to make wise decisions, what is fair and equitable — then you will be like the person jumping off a building that does not understand the law of gravity. Thinking you are too enlightened or educated for “that nonsense” will not keep you from crashing to the ground.

Similarly, if you do not understand the eternal and unchanging standard of righteousness, which is founded in God’s good and immutable character, then you will come crashing down sooner or later. Life will be like studying for the wrong test, or preparing for the wrong calamit — you will be caught suddenly and tragically unawares. There is no defying or suspending the truth of God.

But to those who pursue God’s truth, they are promised understanding of “every good path.” Think of it! God’s wisdom for every moment, every action, every decision. No one can resist God and prosper.

Prayer: Lord, teach me wisdom in my innermost places.

Scriptural Reading: Proverbs 2:1-22

The Wisdom Of God

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Do Not Be Anxious

Do Not Be Anxious


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer…let your requests be made known unto God​. Philippians 4:6

Prayer is the means God has given us for unburdening our souls. This is important to consciously, biblically affirm. Otherwise, we may feel weighed down with anxiety, with guilt, with discouragement, or with sorrow and yet have no solution for these soul burdens.

Does that perhaps describe you? As a Christian, you have a vague awareness in the back of your mind that we should not be constantly walking around with 1000 tons of weights on our souls, but honestly it seems you have forgotten lately what the biblical answer to this problem is.

Paul tells us give our burdens to God in prayer. Now let & Apollos do a quick self-diagnosis here. When we hear Paul & Apollos instruction, does it just sound to us like escapism or positive thinking? If so, then we have accepted our secular culture & Apollos idea of prayer. It is blind faith in faith itself.

The secular idea of prayer is basically just throwing all your garbage up in the air and hoping it does not fall right back down on your head again; because, in the end, there is no one up there to catch it, and hold it, and help you with it! But this is a far cry from the biblical view of prayer, which is taking real problems to a real God, who really does have more strength than us and more wisdom than us. And this God really does care about our difficulties.

Prayer is the way we take our cares to God, the means God himself has given us for unburdening our souls. This is not just escapism or ill-founded optimism. No, this is resting in the concrete assurance of your Father that He will save, will deliver, will hear and answer those who come to him in prayer.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for being my burden bearer.

Scriptural Reading: Philippians 4:4-7

Do Not Be Anxious

Overcoming Temptation

Overcoming Temptation


Then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Matthew 4:10

It is striking that Jesus, who later asserts that He could call down twelve legions of angels to assist him at any time, chooses to face the temptations of the devil in the wilderness with nothing but the Word of God — which is the same, and only, weapon that we have against Satan’s temptations.

It is as if Jesus is showing us just how powerful, just how effective, God’s Word is in the midst of spiritual battle so that we will trust it’s strength for our own struggles. Jesus three times faces Satan’s three temptations by quoting the Bible. What other tools could we hope for than the very one Jesus himself wielded in times of personal temptation?

But these verses do not just magically appear to our minds in the moment that we need them. We must be reading, memorizing, listening to, absorbing God’s Word in every way we possibly can. We must be people of the Book, ready for battle, in season and out of season.

Jesus knew the right answer, from God’s Word, at the right time for the right temptation; we must strive to know and do the same. It is only then that we will be able to, with authority and conviction, repel the approaches of Satan effectively.

Prayer: Lord, as I fill my heart with your word, help me to overcome every temptation of the devil.

Scriptural Reading: Matthew 4:1-10

Overcoming Temptation

Thursday, June 21, 2018

What Moves You Daily

What Moves You Daily


Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work. John 4:34

What drives you? What motivates you? What sustains you? Jesus revealed to His disciples, when they could not understand His passing up a lunch break, that His driving motivation was the will of His heavenly Father.

My meat, My food, My sustenance comes from doing the will of God and finishing the work of God, Jesus says. Notice that it does not suffice Jesus’ appetite to simply know the will of God or to study His works. Jesus finds His fulfillment in actively engaging in the work of God and persevering until it is completed.

Too often we think of Christianity as a set of beliefs only. But following Christ invariably means hungering to know the will of God and being satisfied only when we are engaged in it. Nothing else can substitute for active obedience.

And Jesus takes it a step further than obedience; His mission statement includes completion of the work that God has for Him to do. Jesus is not just trying to salve His conscience or make a show of obedience; His satisfaction only comes in the achievement of God’s purpose for Him here.

What about you? Is your meat to do your Master’s will? Are you actively seeking to practice the Christian faith, in public and in private? Are you striving to finish the great purpose for which God has placed you here?

Prayer: Move me, Lord, to do Your will and to complete the purpose for which You saved me.

Scriptural Reading: John 4:31-38

What Moves You Daily

Monday, June 18, 2018

Christ Our Strength

Christ Our Strength


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

It is not uncommon in human experience to run up against things that are bigger than we are, that we simply cannot overcome in our own strength. It may be a lust that threatens to consume us, an addiction that repeatedly overcomes us, a resentment that is growing inside us, or a resentment that seems to paralyze us.

It is also not uncommon to try to grit our teeth, hunch our backs, and seek to make it through by shear determination. We tell ourselves we can overcome if we just try hard enough. Isn’t that what being a good Christian means?

Yet here is the mighty apostle Paul admitting that his strength does not come from himself, or from his own willpower. He is not trying to do it on his own. Rather, he is looking to Jesus Christ for the power and deliverance he needs.

How can you make it through this trial? Through Christ. How can you overcome that temptation or addiction? Through Christ. How can you rise above your grief or depression? Through Christ. There is nothing that you cannot do through the strength that Christ has promised to you. Turn to Him, beloved, and find for yourself the confidence, the joy, the strength that Paul found through Christ.

Prayer: Thank You Lord, through the strength You provide, I can do all the things You want me to do.

Scriptural Reading: Philippians 4:10-13


Christ Our Strength

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Divine Justice

Divine Justice


Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to that judgeth righteously. 1 Peter 2:23

When someone cuts you off in traffic, how do you respond? Do you yell harshly, gesture angrily, or perhaps even drive vengefully? This is not the way Jesus responded when he was crossed.

When he was wronged by others — even purposefully and spitefully — he did not scream or threaten or fume. When he was mocked and scourged and falsely accused before Pilate, he never retaliated with hateful words.

Can you honestly say that anyone has harmed you more than Jesus was abused before his death? Perhaps you feel betrayed by a close friend. So was he. Or maybe others have spread rumors about you. They did the same, and worse, to him. Perhaps you have even suffered physically, mentally, or emotionally at the hands of cruel people. So did he.

How was Jesus able to respond so graciously in the face of such horrible and unfair treatment? Peter gives us the secret: he committed himself to God, who judges righteously.

Jesus had complete faith in the justice of God. Do you? Can you trust God to right the wrongs that have been done to you, to punish those who have wronged you? To the extent that you nurse a personal vendetta, you can rest assured that you have not yet grasped, or embraced, the justice and wisdom of God.

Prayer: Lord, I trust in Your justice.

Scriptural Reading: 1 Peter 2:18-25

Divine Justice

He Is My Comforter

He Is My Comforter


God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us. 2 Corinthians 7:6

Paul here makes a general observation and then shares a specific testimony. First, he says, God comforts those who are cast down.

Over and over in Scripture we are reminded that it is precisely those who have fallen on their face before God who will be lifted up. It is the humble who will be exalted, and it is those who lose their life who will find it.

God, it seems, delights to show His abounding sufficiency in the weakness and shortcomings of His people. Therefore, we can rest assured that God will come to those who are spiritually cast down and will lift them up by His grace.

Paul further offers this, not only as a general observation concerning the goodness of God, but as a particular experience of his own life. This was, in other words, not a theoretical contention for Paul. “God comforts the disheartened,” Paul says; “I know, because He has comforted me.”

Paul himself knew what it was to be cast down, to be discouraged, to have doubts and fears. Believer, perhaps you have been thinking you are the only one who wrestles with such obstacles to joy. No, every Christian must learn over and again to live by faith, and not by sight.

When we do so, and look to Christ for our sufficiency, our experience will be the same as Paul’s — God will comfort us, as He does all who are cast down.

Prayer: Thank You Lord for You are my comforter.

Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 7:2-7

He Is My Comforter

The Power Of Being Youth

The Power Of Being Youth


I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. 1 John 2:14

It is a myth that many young people perpetuate in their mind, that they cannot be strong or mature or successful in their Christian walk until they are older. But John writes here to young people who have successfully overcome Satan’s attacks.

How did they do it? They were strong; they stood their ground, even against the prevailing spirit and trends of their day. They refused to be intimidated, or enticed, by the constant bombardment of sin and sinful influences.

How could they be so strong? Where did they find the courage and wisdom to stand for truth and purity and goodness? The word of God had taken up residence in their hearts. It was not merely an occasional visitor to their minds, but a settled and constant inhabitant of their souls.

There is no shortcut to spiritual strength. A holy life is always the product of a holy reverence and love for God and His Word. Sadly, it is true, many young people do not experience the abundant life that is found in the way of Jesus Christ, because they are unwilling to exercise spiritual discipline.

However, spiritual apathy and weakness is not inevitable in early life. Young person, when your spirit and your will are controlled by the constant presence and application of God’s Word, you too can be strong; you too can overcome the wickedness of your culture and your generation.

Prayer: Thank you Lord, that Your power is available for young people to live a victorous life.

Scriptural Reading: 1 John 2:12-14

The Power Of Being Youth

Declare His Glory

Declare His Glory


Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people…Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name. Psalm 96:3,8

Why should we put our reputation, our comfortableness, even our lives in danger in order to spread the name of Jesus Christ around the world? Ultimately, the psalmist reminds us, the motivation is not the worthiness of people, but the worth-it-ness of Christ.

Declare the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ among the heathen! Exalt His name where it has never even been heard! Tell of His surpassing majesty wherever you go. Why? Because He is worth it! Because He is due all the praise of all people everywhere.

No matter how well you speak of Him, you cannot exaggerate God’s glory or worthiness. No matter how far you go, or who you speak with, around the globe no one is exempted from this command: “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name!”

He created the earth and heaven. He breathes life into people, sustains our existence, and even came and died for the sins of His creatures. This Lord, this Savior is due the worship of all his creation.

Make it the determination of your heart today to give the Lord the glory due His name, by declaring and exalting His wonderful name. Is there a co-worker who does not know Christ? Is there a family member with whom you have not shared the good news? Is there a nation to which you have opportunity to go, or send, in His name? Declare his wonders among all people!

Prayer: Lord, empower me to declare Your glory throughout the world.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 96:1-10

Declare His Glory

Friday, June 15, 2018

Oh Death Where Is Your Sting?

Oh Death Where Is Your Sting?


Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this? John 11:26

The everlasting, ever-living Christ entered the realm of death in order to spoil death of all its strength. Death and the devil had no more power over Jesus than a fortress that is being ransacked has over its invaders!

Christ bowed His head and entered the doorway of death, not out of defeat, but “that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14). Jesus Christ raided death and brought all of His children out of its dungeons and into the light of His own eternal and glorious heaven.

It is no wonder, therefore, that Jesus would admonish us to “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28). There is an end worse than death, Jesus reminds us: death will be defeated one of these days, but hell is forever.

John gives us this graphic description of the end times: “in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them” (Revelation 9:6). What a contrast between this awful scene and the gracious words of Jesus, that those who trust in him will never die.

For each child of God, it will one day become a reality that “death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54), that our Savior Jesus Christ “hath abolished death” (2 Timothy 1:10), and that God will wipe away every tear and “there shall be no more death” (Revelation 21:4). No more death. Can you believe it? Do you believe him?

Prayer: Thank You Lord for setting me free from the fear of death. Thank You that through Your death, death has lost its victory.

Scriptural Reading: John 11:21-37

Oh Death Where Is Your Sting?

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Repent To The Lord

Repent To The Lord


Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone. Hosea 4:17

This is one of the saddest statements in Scripture. The people of Ephraim had become so attached to their idols that God finally says, “Let them alone.”

In one sense, this command may relate to the prophet Hosea’s interactions with these people: “Let them alone; do not make friends with them; do not accept counsel from them; do not join yourself to them.”

This is the same counsel Jesus gave concerning the Jewish leaders, who consistently rejected God’s revelation to them: “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matthew 15:14). Don’t follow the lead of those who are so glued to their personal idols and selfish ambitions that they reject the authority of Christ upon their lives.

But primarily it is clear that God is here informing Hosea that, as a prophet, he will no longer be given any message for the people of Ephraim. God will not be speaking to them anymore. They have persisted in rebellion and idolatry so long, and so unrelentingly, that God determines to leave them to their misery.

What a terrifying reality this is! To be so hardened in sin that God no longer even speaks to you!

Do not trust your own strength or wisdom or goodness so much that you make fast friends with idolaters and expect to sta.y holy. Do not presume upon God’s mercy and put off repentance — the Holy Ghost himself says, “Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 3:7-8). Today may be your only chance to repent.

Prayer: Thank You Lord, for the spirit of repentance. Don’t give me over to the wickedness of my heart.

Scriptural Reading: Hosea 4:6-19

Repent To The Lord

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Genuine Faith

Genuine Faith


I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 3 John 3

While Gaius was a man who held firmly and joyfully to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he was also living this truth out in a daily walk that mirrored his profession. John rejoices that the truth is in Gaius, and that Gaius is in the truth.

First, John says of Gaius, the truth is in him. Christianity is a heart-deep religion; a mere profession of faith or performance of duties does not make one a Christian.

As David reminded himself, in his prayer of repentance after straying into hypocrisy, God desires “truth in the inward parts” (Psalm 51:6), not just a shell of outward actions that may convince others. God is not pleased unless the beliefs we are professing are flowing out of a heart that has lovingly and joyfully embraced the truth of God’s Word.

On the other hand, Gaius was not content to only have warm and fuzzy feelings for the truth; he was determined to live its practical implications out in a consistent and complimentary walk.

And, as John points out in his inspired commentary, this is the critical indicator of a genuine faith: “He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God” (11).

Is the truth in you? Are you walking in the truth? Has it captivated your heart to the point that it flows over and into the decisions you make and the way you live?

Prayer: Inspire a genuine faith in me, Lord.

Scriptural Reading: 3 John 1-4

Genuine Faith

The Comforter

The Comforter


Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. 2 Corinthians 1:4

God gives us comfort in all our tribulation. There is not a sickness, or a loss, or a pain, or a frustration for which God does not provide comfort.

He comforts us in His Word, the Bible. When we read His promises and discover His character, we receive the great comfort that is meant for us in His Word. We are reminded that God is good and that God is sovereign. And we are told that His sovereign goodness is at work in this universe on behalf of believers.

He comforts us with His Spirit. In fact, the Spirit of God is called our Comforter. When no human can understand, when no words can relieve, the Spirit of God is still able to minister to our soul. By pointing us to the finished work of Christ and drawing us to the person of Christ, the Holy Spirit sets our feet on solid ground even when our world is falling apart around us.

But there is another way, Paul tells us, in which God comforts us. The very trials and consolations we have experienced will be used to help others through their personal pains. God’s Word brings comfort to others as we share with others the scriptures that have helped us. The Spirit of God brings comfort as we testify of the sufficiency of Christ even in the midst of our personal agony.

Through the very comfort that we ourselves have received, we must comfort those who are hurting around us. Who can you be of comfort to today?

Prayer: Lord, You are my comfort. Help me comfort those hurting with the comfort with which You have comforted me.

Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

The Comforter

Trust In The Lord

Trust In The Lord


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

Things will happen in life where you find yourself saying, “I don’t get this. Everything was going along just fine until now. I don’t get this at all.” You might even say, “God, why?”

It’s okay to ask God why. Just don’t expect an answer. It is not because there is no answer. The reason is that even if God gave you an answer, you wouldn’t get it.

When I try to explain certain things to my grandchildren, there are some things they get and some things they don’t. They are not ready to grasp them just yet.

In the same way, the infinite God could try and explain something to you, and you would say, “Uh, I don’t agree with that. I think it’s a bad decision, even.”

So God says, “I’m not even going to bother explaining it to you. I am with you. That is My answer. I am with you, and I will get you through it. And in time, you will look back and will see things working together for good. Ultimately, on the other side, you will get the big picture. But until then, you will have to just trust Me.”

Maybe you’re going through a storm right now. Maybe you’ve even had a shipwreck of sorts—a trauma, a tragedy. You’re saying, “I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t know what to do.” Here is my suggestion to you: believe God.

Do you believe God? Is He the Lord of your life? Have you said, “Lord, not my will, but your be done?”

Have you come to that place yet? It won’t always be smooth sailing, but you will have a safe arrival.

Prayer: Lord, not my way, not my will, but Yours be done.

Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11

Trust In The Lord

Trust In The Lord

Trust In The Lord


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

Things will happen in life where you find yourself saying, “I don’t get this. Everything was going along just fine until now. I don’t get this at all.” You might even say, “God, why?”

It’s okay to ask God why. Just don’t expect an answer. It is not because there is no answer. The reason is that even if God gave you an answer, you wouldn’t get it.

When I try to explain certain things to my grandchildren, there are some things they get and some things they don’t. They are not ready to grasp them just yet.

In the same way, the infinite God could try and explain something to you, and you would say, “Uh, I don’t agree with that. I think it’s a bad decision, even.”

So God says, “I’m not even going to bother explaining it to you. I am with you. That is My answer. I am with you, and I will get you through it. And in time, you will look back and will see things working together for good. Ultimately, on the other side, you will get the big picture. But until then, you will have to just trust Me.”

Maybe you’re going through a storm right now. Maybe you’ve even had a shipwreck of sorts—a trauma, a tragedy. You’re saying, “I don’t know how to handle this. I don’t know what to do.” Here is my suggestion to you: believe God.

Do you believe God? Is He the Lord of your life? Have you said, “Lord, not my will, but your be done?”

Have you come to that place yet? It won’t always be smooth sailing, but you will have a safe arrival.

Prayer: Lord, not my way, not my will, but Yours be done.

Scriptural Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11

Trust In The Lord

Monday, June 11, 2018

Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy


Dorcas . . . was full of good works and almsdeeds. . . and all the widows stood by [Peter] weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. Acts 9:36,39

Very soon Dorcas would be raised from the dead by the apostle Peter. Doubtless this is at least partially why Luke includes this story in his inspired narrative.

However, at least half the story here also seems to be Dorcas’ life, as much as her resurrection to life. Dorcas, as much as the apostle himself, is the focus of Luke’s narrative. Why?

Not because of the many good works which she had planned to do, but that she had done and, in fact, “was full of.” How many of us have noble desires, charitable plans which never find their way into actions which help or encourage others?

It is easy to have good intentions, but it is another thing to serve and sacrifice for other people. Dorcas did not know the time of her death, but she did know the purpose for life — to honor God by seeking the lowest place in His kingdom.

What a testimony to this woman’s faith! She is fervently missed and publicly mourned by the very widows to whom she had labored with such faithfulness! She was not surrounded by the rich or mighty or well-connected, but by the lowly and helpless and castaways of society. Yet Dorcas had a full life — full of the good works that she had done in the name of her Lord.

What and who will you leave behind you? A lifetime of good works or just a stream of good intentions?

Prayer: Lord, help me live a life of service and leave a legacy to future generations.

Scriptural Reading: Acts 9:36-43

Leave A Legacy

Sunday, June 10, 2018

I am Justified

I am Justified


He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18

Here is a crystal clear description of the justified sinner, from the lips of Jesus Himself, as well as a depiction of the unbeliever’s state before God.

The repentant, bankrupt sinner who comes to Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and trusts in Him is not condemned. He is justified, declared guiltless in the courtroom of heaven.

Notice that it is a present reality, although the believer still sins and falls short here on earth. When we strive to conquer sin, seek to follow Christ, and still find that we daily fall short of the mark, – it is a great comfort to know that God already sees us through the perfection of Christ.

But he that believeth not is condemned already. It is interesting and revealing that this, also, is plainly and purposefully in the present tense. Jesus reflects the calmness and control of heaven, even over those who may loudly and persistently reject the claims of Christ upon their lives.

Why is the unbeliever condemned? Because he has not believed in the name of the Son of God. While God is sovereign in condemning the unbeliever, He does not condemn Him without reason. The unbeliever earns his guilty status by rebelling against the authority of Christ. of Christ.

You have two unmistakable descriptions before you. Which are – you? Are you trusting in the Son of God for salvation? If so, Jesus says, you have already been justified in the eyes of God. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Thank you Father, you have justified and glorified in Christ.

Scriptural Reading: John 3:16-21

I am Justified

Friday, June 8, 2018

You Are Precious To God

You Are Precious To God


Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I heard the story of an older gentleman who was known for his godly life. One day someone asked him, “What do you do when you get tempted?”

He answered, “Well, I just look up to Heaven and say, ‘Lord, your property is in danger.’”

We read in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “You are not your own.” It could be translated, “You are not your own property. You were bought with a price.” God has reassured us of this by putting His seal on us as a king might seal his property. We are told in 2 Corinthians 1:21–22, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”

As believers, we belong to God. We are His children. We are His sheep. We are His property. We are also His children. Romans 8:15 tells us, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” “Abba” was an affectionate cry of a Hebrew child. If you go to Israel today, you can still hear little children crying out to their dads, “Abba!” It is affectionate, endearing, and close.

My children, and now my grandchildren, have always had access to me. They don’t have to make an appointment to meet with me. They just walk up and talk to me. If I’m in a crowded room and my grandchildren come walking in and yell out, “Papa!” the conversation I’m having will be over. That is the kind of relationship we have and the access they have. In the same way, we have that kind of access to God.

Prayer: Father, thank You that I’m in Christ, thank You for giving me access by the blood of Jesus, into your presence.

Scriptural Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20


You Are Precious To God

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Let Us Mature In The Lord

Let Us Mature In The Lord


So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Hebrews 6:1

As a father and a grandfather, I know from personal experience that babies are a lot of work. For instance, it takes work to teach a baby how to eat. Of course there is baby food, and then comes solid food, which has to be cut into baby-sized bites. And sometimes a baby doesn’t want to eat, so you have to think of creative ways to get the baby to take the food. Children need to learn how to eat their food, cut up their food, and ultimately prepare their food. It’s called growing up.

A lot of people, however, have never grown up spiritually. They made an initial commitment to Christ but have never really understood what it means to be a totally committed follower of Jesus. In short, they are still spiritual babies.

The Christian life is more than simply saying a prayer of commitment to Christ. It is following Jesus not only as your Savior, but also as your Lord. If your only source of spiritual intake is hearing other people preach sermons, then you will be in a relatively weakened state spiritually. There is a place for teaching and preaching, but you have to learn how to cut your own food, so to speak. You have to learn how to feed yourself spiritually.

Hebrews 6:1 tells us, “So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God.”

In short, we need to grow up as believers and not be spiritual babies forever. We need to grow up to be men and women of God.

Prayer: Lord, by Your grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, I resolve to grow daily in my walk with You.

Scriptural Reading: Hebrews 6:1-3

Let Us Mature In The Lord

An Amazing Faith

An Amazing Faith


The Lord your God, He is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. Joshua 2:11

This profession of faith comes from the lips of one of the most unlikely characters in the Bible — a prostitute, a heathen, and a citizen of an enemy nation to God’s people. But it is exactly the unexpectedness of her faith which makes her such a source of biblical comfort and admonition.

On the one hand, Rahab shows us there is no valid excuse for unbelief in the one true God. Rahab’s faith in the one true God was the reason she did not perish with the unbelieving heathen who surrounded her in Jericho, Hebrews reminds us. Also, James uses Rahab as an example of one whose genuine faith is shown by concrete acts of obedience and sacrifice.

When Rahab heard the report of all that God had done for His people—delivering them out of Egypt, drying up the Jordan, conquering powerful kings—she trusted that this was the one true God in heaven and in earth. If Rahab could come out of such a conflicting and hostile society, to such a potent and unyielding faith, then it proves no circumstantial or cultural barrier is strong enough to overcome genuine faith in the one true God.

There is also great comfort in the story of Rahab, particularly for those who are saved out of sinful lifestyles. Here was a promiscuous woman, with dubious connections, and a dark and pagan past who was used of the Lord to deliver His people and eventually even usher in the Christ.

What a powerful witness Rahab is of God’s ability to forgive, to cleanse, and even to use those who come to Him by faith. May your faith lead you to courageous and sacrificial obedience today, in the knowledge of Christ’s cleansing and healing power for your past.

Prayer: Lord, let my faith produce works that will bring glory to Your name.

Scriptural Reading: Joshua 2:1-12

An Amazing Faith

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Our God Is Faithful

Our God Is Faithful


I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken. Psalm 37:25

Here is David’s testimony: although I have seen many adventures as a youth, and faced many struggles throughout my life, I have never yet seen God neglect one of His children or forsake the godly when they are in need.

David was a man of action, a prominent ruler, and a longtime servant of God. This was not a man who lacked experience, or had hid in a corner, or had recently joined the ranks of godly men. And his declaration is that—in all his years of service, in the great variety of his circumstances—he has never, even once, seen the godly forsaken or left uncared for!

But there seems to be even more behind David’s statement than mere observation. He admits that he is now old. He has seen many other saints grow old, and even die, throughout his lifetime. And now that he is facing old age himself, he looks back on his past observations in order to draw present comfort.

“If God has never forsaken any of His servants in the past, then He will not forsake me now,” David seems to be saying. Just as I have seen Samuel, and my father, and many others grow old—and God remained faithful to them to the end—God will be with me to the end, as well.

Dear believer, God was faithful to David; and He will be faithful to you. He has never yet failed to make good on a single one of His promises; He will be with you through the challenges of youth, and in the losses and pains of old age.

Prayer: Great is the faithfulness, oh Lord.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 37:25-40


Our God Is Faithful

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Purpose Of Your Life

The Purpose Of Your Life


All the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died. Genesis 5:27

Has history taught us any lesson more clearly or convincingly than that death is inevitable? Even for Methuselah there would finally be a 970th year that he would not see: despite his unique longevity, his remarkable story would still reach its eventual conclusion. The only two people in the entire history of mankind that have evaded death—Enoch and Elijah—are perhaps most well known for the very fact that they so unexpectedly escaped death’s inescapable clutches.

We frantically attempt to entertain away, or dye away, or exercise away death’s calling card: age. Yet, in the back of each of our minds, there is an ever-present awareness that our days are finite; it shows in the choices that we make regarding retirement, life insurance, and even mortgages (there’s a reason why you’ve never heard of a hundred-year mortgage!).

The recognition of our own frailty is apparently one of the lessons that God would have us draw from our experience in this world: “Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am” (Psalm 39:4). This awareness should lead us to a serious contemplation of the meaning and purpose for our life.

What is the meaning of life? A question often asked, but rarely with any real desire to be confronted with the answer. John reveals to us, in the heart-cry of the heavenly throng, why we are here: “. . .thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11). We are here to worship our Creator, to serve Him and to do His good pleasure each day of our lives. Are you fulfilling that purpose?

Prayer: Lord, may my days here on earth be for Your good pleasure.

Scriptural Reading: Genesis 5:25-27

The Purpose Of Your Life

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Great Is Thy Faith

Great Is Thy Faith


The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” Matthew 8:8

This centurion knew authority when he saw it. He himself commanded one hundred men, and he had witnessed countless examples of power and authority within the ranks of the Roman army. And he knew Jesus had it.

As a result, the centurion did not come pleading his worth (although the Jews made the mistake of pleading on his merit to Jesus). He knew that there was no claim he could make upon Jesus’ power; if Jesus healed, it would be because He wished to heal, not because the centurion deserved the favor.

Further, the centurion had such confidence in Jesus’ authority that he knew Jesus could do what had not even been seen or done yet, apparently. Jesus had so far only healed in person, but the centurion knew that anyone who could heal personally could also heal from a distance if he so desired. “Speak the word only” was all that Jesus had to do and he knew his servant would be healed.

Jesus’ reply to the centurion is just as remarkable as the centurion’s statement. Jesus exclaimed, “I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel” (v.10). This is quite a compliment, coming from anyone. But for Jesus Himself to marvel at the centurion’s faith tells us it is certainly something to emulate ourselves.

When you come to God in prayer, do you see yourself as deserving His favor or do you realize that you are not even worthy to come before Him in the first place? No matter what displays of power or answered prayer you have seen in the past, do you have faith that He is able to do even more than you have witnessed?

Prayer: Lord increase my faith.

Scriptural Reading: Matthew 8:5-13

Great Is Thy Faith

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Power Of Affirmation

The Power Of Affirmation


And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I have spoke,”[a] we also believe and therefore speak. 2 Corinthians 4:13

There is tremendous power in spiritual affirmation. I recommend that you read these Spiritual affirmations aloud. These affirmations define your relationship with God.

I recognize that there is only one true and living God (Exodus 20:2,3), who exists as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that He is worthy of all honour, praise and worship as the Creator, Sustainer, Beginning and End of all things (Revelation 4:11; 5:9,10; Isaiah 43:1,7,21).

I recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1,14). I believe that He came to destroy the works of Satan (1 John 3:8), that He disarmed the rulers and authorities, having triumphed over them (Colossians 2:15).

I believe that God has proven His love for me, because when I was still a sinner, Christ died for me (Romans 5:8). I believe that He delivered me from the domain of darkness and transferred me to His kingdom, and in Him I have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:13-14).

I believe that I am now a child of God (1 John 3:1-3). I believe that I was saved by the grace of God through faith, that it is a gift and not the result of any works on my part (Ephesians 2:8).

I choose to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Ephesians 6:10). I put no confidence in the flesh (Philippians 3:3), for the weapons of my warfare are not of the flesh (2 Corinthians 10:4). I put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-17), and I resolve to stand firm in my faith and resist the evil one.

Prayer: Thank God for all He has done for you and your family this month.

Scriptural Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15

The Power Of Affirmation