Divine Touch
Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15
In the ministry of Jesus, He employed different methods to bring healing to people.
1. He touched the sick
2. He gave the sick instructions to follow
3. He responded to the faith of those who trusted in Him
4. He acted in mercy to heal
In this instance, Jesus used what is known as the ‘laying on of hands.’ He reached out with His hand and touched the hand of Peter’s mother-in-law to heal her from a feverish condition. When we are yielded to the Lord, He uses our hands as extensions of His hands to touch a hurting world. Our hands can bring healing and blessings on many levels.
• Physical healing. The sick get healed when hands are laid with the prayer of faith. Healing virtue is then transmitted to drive away all manner of diseases. That is one of the commands that Jesus gave to us before He ascended to heaven. He encouraged us to lay hands on the sick and promised healing.
• Emotional healing. The warm and loving embrace of a parent brings comfort and a sense of belonging to a child. Especially when the parent silently whispers a prayer for their children anytime they embrace them. That warm embrace provides solace for the child in the midst of a cruel and dangerous world.
The Lord has no hand in this world but your hand. Let your hand be the extension of Jesus’ hand to bring healing and comfort to those around you.
Prayer: Lord, use my hands as extensions of Your hands to bring healing and comfort to those in pain.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 8:14-17
Divine Touch
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