Gifts For A King
For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2
Christmas is a time of giving, and one of the joys of the season is the privilege to give gifts to our loved ones. The Lord Jesus said, “It is true that it is more blessed to give than to receive.” And we can’t wait to see the joy in the eyes of loved ones as they receive their gifts from us.
The wise men brought gifts to Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. What kind of gifts are these for a child? Myrrh, after all is an embalming element. Why give an embalming element to a baby? I believe these wise men had insight into who Jesus was. They gave Him gold because they recognized it was a proper gift for a king. They gave Him frankincense because that is what a high priest used when he went into the temple to represent the people before God. They gave Him myrrh because they recognized that this king would die for the world.
What can we give to the King during this Christmas season? What do you give to the Lord, who has everything? What does the Lord want from us? He wants our lives. The greatest gift you can give to Jesus this Christmas is yourself. It is to dedicate your whole life to Him and say, “Lord, I give You my life. I give You my talents. I give You my abilities. I give You my dreams. I give You my future. I give You my weaknesses. I offer myself to You. Here is my gift to You.”
Let’s be like these wise men and worship Him and give ourselves to Him. As we approach the New Year, why don’t you rededicate yourself to the Lord; to love Him, walk in all His ways, and serve Him with all your gifts and resources? There is no greater gift than this.
Prayer: Lord, I give You all that I am, all that I have, and all that I hope to be.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Gifts For A King
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