Be Rich Towards God
When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28
The exact same event described by Jesus as being a dreadful and terrible day for some, who will quake with fear, is promised to others as a day of deliverance.
When the Son of man, Jesus Christ, returns to earth in all His power and glory, it will be the end of everything as we know it. On the one hand, for those who have sought their satisfaction in material things, it will be the end of all their hopes. For those who have been diligently seeking first the kingdom of God, it will be a deliverance from the afflictions and cares of this world.
How will it be for you? Are you laying up for yourself treasures here on earth, as Jesus warned us against, where moth and rust and thieves are able to corrupt and steal our heart’s treasure? Or is your heart’s treasure in heaven and all of your resources devoted to that which is eternal?
Will the coming of Christ be fearful, and the loss of all you have? Or will it be the joyful return on a careful and lifelong investment? It all depends on how you are living now, on what your priorities are now, on where your faith is now.
If your faith is now in Jesus Christ, and you are fervently following His ways, then when you see him coming in all his glory, look up! Your redemption, glory and eternal inheritance are here.
Prayer: Lord, help me live a life that echoes into eternity.
Scriptural Reading: Luke 21:25-28
Be Rich Towards God
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