Thursday, June 22, 2017

Get Out Of The Boat

Get Out Of The Boat

Matt 14:15-21 You Have To Be Willing To Get Out Of The Boat Before You Walk On Water, Most Of The Disciples Were Clinging To The Hope That The Boat Gave Them, They Were In The Storm, So Its Probable That The Boat Was Filled With Water Just Like Another Time On The Sea, Mark 4:37, It Was Foolish To Step Out Of The Boat Onto The Water, But It Was What God Told Peter To Do, He Had To Go Beyond His Own Ability And Trust That God Would Keep Him From Sinking, Likewise, Many Of Us Are Afraid To Step Away From The World And Out Onto The Word God Has Given Us, We Want The Miraculous But Don’t Want To Leave The Relative Safety Of What Everyone Is Doing, But Just Like This Boat, The World Is In Crisis, Without The LORD, ITS GOING TO SINK, WHY ARE WE SO AFRAID TO LEAVE THE MUNDANE AND TRUST GOD FOR A MIRACLE, DONT BE AFRAID, STREATCH OUT YOUR FAITH IN EVERY SITUATION AND RECIEVE THE BEST FROM DADDY!

Get Out Of The Boat

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